The Cost of Stress in the US

Beyond the staggering human toll, job stress is estimated to cost American companies more than $300 billion a year in health costs, absenteeism, and poor performance. And 40% of job turnover is attributed to stress. 

The list of illnesses documented to be impacted by stress is shocking: heart disease, asthma, obesity, diabetes, anxiety, depression, headaches, gastrointestinal problems, alcohol and substance abuse, Alzheimer’s disease, accelerated aging and premature death.

Of course, businesses are scrambling to find ways to help employees reduce stress to increase productivity. De-Stress Rx was created specifically to fill this enormous need and provides significant benefits to both employers and employees.

Benefits of De-Stress Rx to Employers and Employees


  •  Improves productivity, morale, engagement, and retention
  •  Improves employees' effectiveness with customers, colleagues, etc.
  •  Demonstrates a strong commitment to employees' health and wellbeing
  •  Identifies employees at greatest risk of stress-related illnesses
  •  Increases managers' ability to coach each employee more successfully


  •  Improves both their mental and physical health
  •  Increases their feelings of worth, purpose, and hopefulness 
  •  Improves employees’ feelings about, and loyalty to their employer

De-Stress RX – An Enterprise-Wide Solution

De-Stress was designed to provide businesses and organizations with a highly effective, low-cost, scalable, easy-to-implement online tool for helping all employees reduce stress. 

De-Stress Rx is a self-contained online tool that includes a brief (<4 minutes) validated assessment that instantly generates a succinct, accurate, customized report (a De-Stress Rx) for each employee. Every customized report identifies each employee’s stress triggers, symptoms, and proven strategies for reducing stress.

While no training is required to administer or interpret the results, online training is available for managers, coaches, or EAPs who wish you use the De-Stress Rx tool to better engage employees.

De-Stress Rx is designed to be extremely economical to use. The cost is determined by the number of employees using the tool.