We are all feeling stressed these days.
With so much to worry about, wouldn’t it be great to have a surefire way to reduce your stress and get back to enjoying your life?
In the last few years, depression, anxiety, and alcohol and substance abuse have all skyrocketed. Even before COVID-19, stress has been a significant factor in increased heart disease, diabetes, asthma, and many other serious medical conditions
That’s the bad news. Now here’s the good: there is absolutely something you can do – today – to reduce your stress.
True. There is no one silver bullet that reduces everyone’s stress. But De-Stress Rx works because it is completely individualized and provides specific strategies that work best for you, and people very much like you.
Skeptical? There’s a quick, free way to see. Click here to take the scientifically validated De-Stress Rx assessment. In 3 minutes, you’ll discover your personality type and some of your top stress triggers, symptoms, and success strategies.
What have you got to lose?
The first thing you should know about DSRX is that it is based on the most comprehensive scientific research of its kind – five studies, involving over 50,000 subjects, all published in peer-reviewed journals. This research produced the breakthrough discovery that peoples’ inborn personality types have a tremendous impact on their physical and psychological health.
Specifically, the research showed a strong correlation between an individual’s personality type and several critical health risk factors, including medication adherence, anxiety, depression, alcohol abuse, smoking, lack of exercise, poor nutrition, sleep issues, and stress.
De-Stress Rx was created by Paul D. Tieger, founder and CEO of SpeedReading People LLC, and an internationally recognized expert in Personality Psychology. Paul is the author of five bestselling books including The Art of SpeedReading People and Do What You Are, which have sold over one million copies.
Paul has conducted the most robust research to date correlating Personality Psychology with medication adherence, physician-patient communication, and major health risks.
Before developing De-Stress Rx, Paul pioneered the use of Personality Psychology to help trial attorneys select and communicate with jurors in dozens of high-profile civil and criminal trials. Paul holds degrees in Psychology and Organizational Behavior.
The COVID-19 pandemic presents challenges never before experienced simultaneously by most people around the globe. While there are several approaches to help people alleviate unparalleled levels of stress, none are as effective as they should be for a simple reason: they make the mistake of assuming that people are more similar than they are.
But not all people experience the same amount of stress, or in the same way. Nor are they equally adept at managing it.
Leveraging our unparalleled expertise and experience in Personality Psychology, we have developed a simple, powerful, online tool that quickly and accurately determines an individual’s personality type and the unique triggers, symptoms, and most effective strategies for reducing their stress.
Decades of anecdotal evidence and five scientific studies, involving over 50,000 subjects have contributed to the development of De-Stress Rx. Our original research – published in respected peer-reviewed journals – established, for the first time a strong correlation between personality type and:
Personality Type affects stress in three important ways: 1) what triggers a stress reaction, 2) what that looks like, and 3) what strategies are most effective at reducing stress.
For example: for some types, being in control is paramount, and not being in control creates great stress. COVID-19 has made it abundantly clear how little control most of us have! As a result, people of this type may experience more intense stress than some others and will find some strategies to reduce stress more effectively than others.
There are other types, for whom harmonious relationships are most important. People of this type tend to be even more deeply affected by COVID-19, due to their intense empathy, imposed isolation, strained relationships, and loss of community. Sensitive souls, these types are much more likely to become depressed and anxious and are drawn to and often benefit most from psychological counseling.
We take an individualized, rather than generic, approach to help people reduce stress, by recognizing that all people are unique – with different triggers, symptoms, and strategies that work best for them.
De-Stress Rx is based on the science of Personality Psychology, whose applications we have pioneered in healthcare, business, the law, education, research, and technology. De-Stress Rx recognizes that when it comes to managing stress, one size does not fit all. A strategy that works well for one person may not work well at all for another. What does work is our uniquely individualized approach.
There are several psychological models used to understand human behavior, which include DISC, The Big Five Factor, Emotional Intelligence, the Berkman Method, and the FIRO-B. While all have their strengths and weaknesses, in our experience, the Jung/Myers model – popularized by the Myers Briggs Type Indicator® or MBTI® – provides the most valuable insights. For good reason, it is the most widely used system in the world, employed daily by 89% of Fortune 100 companies.
The Jung/Myers model identifies four different fundamental dimensions of behavior that are true for all people: what gives us energy, how we take in information, how we make decisions, and how we organize our world. For each of these four, there are two dichotomous inborn “preferences” that people have. For example, when it comes to “what gives us energy”, some people are extroverts while others are introverts, with similar binary choices for the other three dimensions. These combinations result in sixteen distinctly different “types.” People’s personality type influences a wide range of important life choices, including which careers they find most satisfying, whom they are romantically attracted to, their preferred communication style, how they parent their children, and their greatest sources of stress.
Applying the Jung/Myers model, Paul D. Tieger, creator of the De-Stress Rx tool conducted ground-breaking research which showed a strong correlation between Personality Type and stress, anxiety, depression, alcohol abuse, smoking, lack of exercise, sleep issues, and poor nutrition.
This question is asked frequently. For people who study the Jung/Myers model, the answer most often is no. We believe that one’s type is innate, and we have the same type our entire lives. That’s not to say that people don’t change over time as they mature, develop, and experience new things. But their type remains constant. Nor is Type situational. Most people act differently at a funeral than they do at a basketball game. But that doesn’t mean the person they are – at their core – changes with each experience they have. What does change is their behavior. And most human beings have a very wide range of behavior available to them.
While both play a major role in determining who we are, we believe that more often than not, nature (Personality Type) trumps nurture – to which, most parents of multiple children will readily attest. While not scientific evidence, consider this: Two fraternal twins, born moments apart, and raised under nearly identical circumstances, will almost always have different personality types, and have very different attitudes, interests, skills, and even values.